Stock Management and Lot Numbers
You can easily track the amount of product used or sold at anytime. Never miss a beat while using AR's Inventory Management system. You will also get access to comprehensive reporting that you can use to make decisions in your business.
Adding Products, Services or Medical Supplies
In order to use the Inventory Management feature with AR, you will need to enter in your inventory that consists of services, retail and medical supples.
Pricing Variations
Pricing Variations are a great way to dedicate everyday pricing to different products or services. This is also a great way to group together products that are used in everyday treatments.
Inventory Reports
We have many different inventory reports. We will break down each report in a comprehensive manner so that you can pull them and view as needed!
Purchase Orders and Auto-Reordering
Purchase Orders are a total game changer when it comes to tracking the order process and receivable of any product that is ordered. When you receive a product it will connect directly to your active stock levels.
Stock Transfer Between Different Clinics
The Stock Transfer feature is a unique and practical way to move inventory between multiple clinics that you might own. This will give you can easy way to track the inventory that was moved from clinic A to clinic B for example.
Inventory Reconciliation
Keep your inventory levels 100% accurate everyday with Inventory Reconciliation. This will allow you to sample or damage out items, easily while you maintain a record of their history.
Tax Rates
You can easily set up your tax rates in AR based on a category or product level. These taxes will connect to the invoices and your sales reporting.