Update Your Business Logo

Upload Your Business Logo

Upload Your Business Logo

Add your clinic's logo and display it on the online booking and patient portal and your clinic's eGift Cards

Adding a logo allows you to display it on your clinic's online booking and the client portal. You can also use it on your electronic gift card design. 

Having a logo is a great way to increase your brand awareness and keep your clients connected to your clinic.

To add a new logo or change an old one, you will have to go to your user settings.

First, log in your Aesthetic Record administrator account on a desktop browser and navigate to the top right corner of your screen.

Click on the gear icon to access your user settings.

Then, navigate to the Settings menu on your left, select Business Information and click on AR Account.

Under Account Information, you will see a picture frame - this is where you put your logo. If you haven't uploaded a logo, the frame will be empty and displays No Photo Available. 

Click on the camera icon at the bottom right corner of the frame and upload your logo. 

After the logo is updated, click Save at the bottom of the screen to apply your logo.

If you want to change your logo, you will have to delete the old one first.

On the same screen, navigate to the logo frame and click on the X button in the top right corner of the frame.

This will delete the logo and the frame will be empty again. You can now upload a new logo.

Once you're happy with everything, hit Save at the bottom to save your change.

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