Set Up Appointment Reminders

Set Up Appointment Reminders

Set Up Appointment Reminders
Use this tool to customize the times that you want reminders sent out.
Appointment reminders alert and make your customers aware of their appointment date and time. If you set up your appointment reminders, Aesthetic Record will automatically send out the reminders via email or SMS to the customer prior to the appointment. 
In this article, learn how to:
A. Create, Edit, or Delete an Appointment Reminder
B. Enable the Reminder Email and SMS Notification

A. Create, Edit, or Delete an Appointment Reminder

Log in to your account via to do this and click on Appointments > the Gear Icon (next to Clinic View) > Smart Configuration > Other Settings > Appointment Reminders.

A list of reminder timer will appear in the middle. If you want to edit a current timer, click Edit. Then, choose the time that you want. Click Save to save your changes. Also, if you want to delete a current timer, click Delete.
If you want to create a new reminder timer, click on Create Reminder on the right. Then Click on Send Reminder Before and choose the time you want your reminder to be sent. If you can't find an appropriate time, click on Custom Time and enter the time that you want. Click Save once it's done. 


B. Enable the Reminder Email and SMS Notification

Once you have set up the timer for your reminder, it's time to edit the content of your reminder templates.
Navigate to the Communications option from list. Next click on In-Person or Virtual Reminder tab.
Under Reminder, you will find the reminder email and SMS. Make sure that you toggle the appointment reminder on to enable this function.
Under Snippets, you will find the format for certain terms. Make sure that you follow this format since Aesthetic Record depends on the format to automate your appointment reminder correctly.
For instance, if you want to put in Patient Name to indicate where the patient name is on the reminder, use the format {{PATIENTNAME}} for patient name. 
Now, edit the content of the email and SMS in the textboxes.
Once you're happy with the changes, click Save to save your changes.