Name a Procedure

Name a Procedure

It is important to name your procedures.  If you do not, the procedures will be automatically named Procedure #1, Procedure #2, and so on...
Changing their name helps differentiate the procedures from one another.

From the App:
  1. Login via app
  2. Click on a patient profile
  3. Click the plus sign + to create a new procedure and fill in all the appropriate details.  Once you reach the Preview screen, find where it says Procedure Name and tap to edit.
  4. You can also click into an existing procedure by clicking on the pencil icon or directly on the procedure photos.
  5.  Tap into the Procedure Information at the top.
  6.  Find where it says Procedure Name and tap to edit.
  7. Hit Save at the bottom

From the web: 

  1. Login 
  2. Go to the clients tab
  3. Click on the clients profile 
  4. Find your specific procedure you have already created and click Edit Procedure underneath.
  5. Find Procedure Name and when done editing, scroll to the bottom and hit Save.


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