Add in Your Suppliers and Purchase Orders

Add in Your Suppliers and Purchase Orders

Create Purchase Order

Purchase orders are used to create an order so that you can easily track it and share it with your vendor. 
Click on your Inventory tab
  1. Orders
  2. Purchase Orders
  3. Add Purchase Order
  4. Use the drop downs to start your order.
  5. Use the note section to add any additional information needed to your order
  6. Click on ADD each time you would like to add an item to the order
    1. Note: keep in mind that when it comes to ordering toxin for example, you will order per vial not per unit. For filler, if you typically order one box that includes two syringes, make sure you order per box not per syringe. 
  7. Save

Receiving Purchase Orders

  1. Follow the same sequence of Inventory> Orders> Purchase Orders
  2. Click on view details of the shipment that you received
  3. Under Actions, receive the items you received in. If an item on on back stock, only input the specific amount of units
  4. By receiving these Items they will Automatically load into your Stock.