Add a Referral Source to a Patient's Profile

Add a Referral Source to a Patient's Profile

Add the referral source into a clients profile

  1. Login via web
  2. Click on "Clients" tab at the top of the screen
  3. Choose a client (you can use the search tool if needed)
  4. Click on Actions button (left-hand side of client's profile)
  5. Then choose Edit
  6. Select appropriate referral source and hit save **IMPORTANT NOTE: To view your specific referral sources and manage subcategories, click here to learn how:
(Keep in mind, if another client/person referred someone, you can choose the referral source as "other" and then enter in the referring person's name)

To View these Referral sources:

Head to your Business Insights. Clients Tab. Create Report. Click on "Client Referral Report"

You can see a breakdown of Client Names and which referral source was chosen.